Le vendredi 27 septembre 2024
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Webinaire: Teaching how to learn to develop students' can learn mindset

Association québécoise de pédagogie collégiale | AQPC
Montréal, Québec, Canada
Le jeudi 13 avril 2023
Le jeudi 13 avril 2023
Adresse Internet:
In my ESL classes, unmotivated students frequently mention that « English is not their strength » or that English « comes naturally » to them. This may be because language proficiency (like math, sports, etc.) is often seen as a « talent », which led me to explore Dweck's (2010) concept of mindset: if learners believe they can improve through their invested efforts (growth mindset) rather than relying on their subjective perceptions (fixed mindset), they are more motivated. To develop students' belief that they can learn, it is important for them to know how to learn.

To illustrate how they can support and enhance students' growth mindset and motivation, in this talk I will present recurring metacognitive activities implemented in my courses as part of a research project. These examples will allow participants to integrate this approach into their own college courses to benefit their groups.

Duration : 45 minutes including discussions